Cafe Marly at the Louvre in Paris

Cafe Marly at the Louvre in Paris
Relax with a glass of wine at Cafe Marly overlooking the pyramid entrance to the Louvre.

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Monday, May 11, 2009

Eating & Drinking in Venice: Cicheti Bars

Cicheti (chee-keht-tee) are the Venetian version of tapas. Cicheti (cichetti) are small portions of food served in bars in Venice, usually with an ombra (a small glass of wine.)

Here are a few places where you can hang out with locals and try a fun Venetian tradition. All are located near the Rialto vaporetto stop.

Osteria alla Botte
5482 Calle della Bissa (east end of the Rialto Bridge near Campo San Bartolomeo)
Tel. 041/5209775
Closed Thu. and Sun.

Osteria Sora al Ponte
1588 Ponte delle Beccarie (near the Rialto Bridge Market off of Campo de la Beccarie)
Tel. 041/718208
Closed Mon.

122 Campo San Giacometto (west end of Rialto Bridge along the Grand Canal)
Tel. 041/5232061
Closed Sun. (dinner) and Mon.
For more on dining in Venice, check out Eating & Drinking in Italy: Italian Menu Reader and Restaurant Guide.

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